In-depth dive into images
Images are the basic building blocks for containers and other images. When you "containerize" an application you work towards creating the image.
By learning what images are and how to create them you are ready to start utilizing containers in your own projects.
Where do the images come from?
When running a command such as docker run hello-world
, Docker will automatically search Docker Hub for the image if it is not found locally.
This means that we can pull and run any public image from Docker's servers. For example‚ if we wanted to start an instance of the PostgreSQL database, we could just run docker run postgres
, which would pull and run
We can search for images in the Docker Hub with docker search
. Try running docker search hello-world
The search finds plenty of results, and prints each image's name, short description, amount of stars, and "official" and "automated" statuses.
$ docker search hello-world
hello-world Hello World!… 1988 [OK]
kitematic/hello-world-nginx A light-weig… 153
tutum/hello-world Image to tes… 90 [OK]
Let's examine the list.
The first result, hello-world
, is an official image. Official images are curated and reviewed by Docker, Inc. and are usually actively maintained by the authors. They are built from repositories in the docker-library.
When browsing the CLI's search results, you can recognize an official image from the "[OK]" in the "OFFICIAL" column and also from the fact that the image's name has no prefix (aka organization/user). When browsing Docker Hub, the page will show "Docker Official Images" as the repository, instead of a user or organization. For example, see the Docker Hub page of the hello-world
The third result, tutum/hello-world
, is marked as "automated". This means that the image is automatically built from the source repository. Its Docker Hub page shows its previous "Builds" and a link to the image's "Source Repository" (in this case, to GitHub) from which Docker Hub builds the image.
The second result, kitematic/hello-world-nginx
, is neither an official nor an automated image. We can't know what the image is built from, since its Docker Hub page has no links to any repositories. The only thing its Docker Hub page reveals is that the image is 9 years old. Even if the image's "Overview" section had links to a repository, we would have no guarantees that the published image was built from that source.
There are also other Docker registries competing with Docker Hub, such as Quay. By default, docker search
will only search from Docker Hub, but to search a different registry, you can add the registry address before the search term, for example, docker search
. Alternatively, you can use the registry's web pages to search for images. Take a look at the page of the nordstrom/hello-world
image on Quay. The page shows the command to use to pull the image, which reveals that we can also pull images from hosts other than Docker Hub:
docker pull
So, if the host's name (here:
) is omitted, it will pull from Docker Hub by default.
NOTE: Trying the above command may fail giving manifest errors as the default tag latest is not present in image. Specifying a correct tag for a image will pull the image without any errors, for ex.
docker pull
A detailed look into an image
Let's go back to a more relevant image than 'hello-world', the Ubuntu image, one of the most common Docker images to use as a base for your own image.
Let's pull Ubuntu and look at the first lines:
$ docker pull ubuntu
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from library/ubuntu
Since we didn't specify a tag, Docker defaulted to latest
, which is usually the latest image built and pushed to the registry. However, in this case, the repository's README says that the ubuntu:latest
tag points to the "latest LTS" instead since that's the version recommended for general use.
Images can be tagged to save different versions of the same image. You define an image's tag by adding :<tag>
after the image's name.
Ubuntu's Docker Hub page reveals that there's a tag named 22.04 which promises us that the image is based on Ubuntu 22.04. Let's pull that as well:
$ docker pull ubuntu:22.04
22.04: Pulling from library/ubuntu
c2ca09a1934b: Downloading [============================================> ] 34.25MB/38.64MB
d6c3619d2153: Download complete
0efe07335a04: Download complete
6b1bb01b3a3b: Download complete
43a98c187399: Download complete
Images are composed of different layers that are downloaded in parallel to speed up the download. Images being made of layers also have other aspects and we will talk about them in part 3.
We can also tag images locally for convenience, for example, docker tag ubuntu:22.04 ubuntu:jammy_jellyfish
creates the tag ubuntu:jammy_jellyfish
which refers to ubuntu:22.04
Tagging is also a way to "rename" images. Run docker tag ubuntu:22.04 fav_distro:jammy_jellyfish
and check docker image ls
to see what effects the command had.
To summarize, an image name may consist of 3 parts plus a tag. Usually like the following: registry/organisation/image:tag
. But may be as short as ubuntu
, then the registry will default to Docker hub, organisation to library and tag to latest. The organisation may also be a user, but calling it an organisation may be more clear.
Exercises 1.5 - 1.6
In the Exercise 1.3 we used devopsdockeruh/simple-web-service:ubuntu
Here is the same application but instead of Ubuntu is using Alpine Linux: devopsdockeruh/simple-web-service:alpine
Pull both images and compare the image sizes.
Go inside the Alpine container and make sure the secret message functionality is the same. Alpine version doesn't have bash
but it has sh
, a more bare-bones shell.
Run docker run -it devopsdockeruh/pull_exercise
The command will wait for your input.
Navigate through the Docker hub to find the docs and Dockerfile that was used to create the image.
Read the Dockerfile and/or docs to learn what input will get the application to answer a "secret message".
Submit the secret message and command(s) given to get it as your answer.
Building images
Finally, we get to build our own images and get to talk about Dockerfile
and why it's so great.
Dockerfile is simply a file that contains the build instructions for an image. You define what should be included in the image with different instructions. We'll learn about the best practices here by creating one.
Let's take a most simple application and containerize it first. Here is a script called ""
echo "Hello, docker!"
First, we will test that it even works. Create the file, add execution permissions and run it:
$ chmod +x
$ ./
Hello, docker!
- If you're using Windows you can skip these two and add chmod +x to the Dockerfile.
And now to create an image from it. We'll have to create the Dockerfile
that declares all of the required dependencies. At least it depends on something that can run shell scripts. We will choose Alpine, a small Linux distribution that is often used to create small images.
Even though we're using Alpine here, you can use Ubuntu during exercises. Ubuntu images by default contain more tools to debug what is wrong when something doesn't work. In part 3 we will talk more about why small images are important.
We will choose exactly which version of a given image we want to use. This guarantees that we don't accidentally update through a breaking change, and we know which images need updating when there are known security vulnerabilities in old images.
Now create a file and name it "Dockerfile" and put the following instructions inside it:
# Start from the alpine image that is smaller but no fancy tools
FROM alpine:3.19
# Use /usr/src/app as our workdir. The following instructions will be executed in this location.
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Copy the file from this directory to /usr/src/app/ creating /usr/src/app/
# Alternatively, if we skipped chmod earlier, we can add execution permissions during the build.
# RUN chmod +x
# When running docker run the command will be ./
CMD ./
Great! We can use the command docker build to turn the Dockerfile to an image.
By default docker build
will look for a file named Dockerfile. Now we can run docker build
with instructions where to build (.
) and give it a name (-t <name>
$ docker build . -t hello-docker
=> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.0s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 478B 0.0s
=> [internal] load metadata for 2.1s
=> [auth] library/alpine:pull token for 0.0s
=> [internal] load .dockerignore 0.0s
=> => transferring context: 2B 0.0s
=> [1/3] FROM 0.0s
=> [internal] load build context 0.0s
=> => transferring context: 68B 0.0s
=> [2/3] WORKDIR /usr/src/app 0.0s
=> [3/3] COPY . 0.0s
=> exporting to image 0.0s
=> => exporting layers 0.0s
=> => writing image sha256:5f8f5d7445f34b0bcfaaa4d685a068cdccc1ed79e65068337a3a228c79ea69c8 0.0s
=> => naming to
Let us ensure that the image exists:
$ docker image ls
hello-docker latest 5f8f5d7445f3 4 minutes ago 7.73MB
If you're now getting "/bin/sh: ./ Permission denied" it's because the chmod +x
was skipped earlier. You can simply uncomment the RUN instruction between COPY and CMD instructions
If you're now getting "/bin/sh: ./ not found" and you're using Windows it might be because by default Windows uses CRLF as line ending. Unix, in our case Alpine, uses just LF which makes the copying of our
invalid bash script in the build phase. To overcome this error change the line endings to LF before running docker build
Now executing the application is as simple as running docker run hello-docker
. Try it!
During the build we see from the output that there are three steps: [1/3], [2/3] and [3/3]. The steps here represent layers of the image so that each step is a new layer on top of the base image (alpine:3.19 in our case).
Layers have multiple functions. We often try to limit the number of layers to save on storage space but layers can work as a cache during build time. If we just edit the last lines of Dockerfile the build command can start from the previous layer and skip straight to the section that has changed. COPY automatically detects changes in the files, so if we change the it'll run from step 3/3, skipping 1 and 2. This can be used to create faster build pipelines. We'll talk more about optimization in part 3.
It is also possible to manually create new layers on top of a image. Let us now create a new file called additional.txt
and copy it inside a container.
We'll need two terminals, that shall be called 1 and 2 in the following listings. Let us start by running the image:
# do this in terminal 1
$ docker run -it hello-docker sh
/usr/src/app #
Now we're inside of the container. We replaced the CMD we defined earlier with sh
and used -i and -t to start the container so that we can interact with it.
In the second terminal we will copy the file inside the container:
# do this in terminal 2
$ docker ps
9c06b95e3e85 hello-docker "sh" 4 minutes ago Up 4 minutes zen_rosalind
$ touch additional.txt
$ docker cp ./additional.txt zen_rosalind:/usr/src/app/
The file is created with command touch
right before copying it in.
Let us ensure that the file is copied inside the container:
# do this in terminal 1
/usr/src/app # ls
Great! Now we've made a change to the container. We can use command docker diff to check what has changed
# do this in terminal 2
$ docker diff zen_rosalind
C /usr
C /usr/src
C /usr/src/app
A /usr/src/app/additional.txt
C /root
A /root/.ash_history
The character in front of the file name indicates the type of the change in the container's filesystem: A = added, D = deleted, C = changed. The additional.txt was created and our ls
created .ash_history.
Next we will save the changes as a new image with the command docker commit:
# do this in terminal 2
$ docker commit zen_rosalind hello-docker-additional
$ docker image ls
hello-docker-additional latest 2f63baa355ce 3 seconds ago 7.73MB
hello-docker latest 444f21cf7bd5 31 minutes ago 7.73MB
Technically the command docker commit
added a new layer on top of the image hello-docker
, and the resulting image was given the name hello-docker-additional
We will actually not use the command docker commit
again during this course. This is because defining the changes to the Dockerfile is much more sustainable method of managing changes. No magic actions or scripts, just a Dockerfile that can be version controlled.
Let's do just that and create hello-docker with v2 tag that includes the file additional.txt. The new file can be added with a RUN instruction:
# Start from the alpine image
FROM alpine:3.19
# Use /usr/src/app as our workdir. The following instructions will be executed in this location.
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Copy the file from this location to /usr/src/app/ creating /usr/src/app/
# Execute a command with `/bin/sh -c` prefix.
RUN touch additional.txt
# When running Docker run the command will be ./
CMD ./
Now we used the RUN instruction to execute the command touch additional.txt
which creates a file inside the resulting image. Pretty much anything that can be executed in the container based on the created image, can be instructed to be run with the RUN instruction during the build of a Dockerfile.
Build now the Dockerfile with docker build . -t hello-docker:v2
and we are done! Let's compare the output of ls:
$ docker run hello-docker-additional ls
$ docker run hello-docker:v2 ls
Now we know that all instructions in a Dockerfile except CMD (and one other that we will learn about soon) are executed during build time. CMD is executed when we call docker run, unless we overwrite it.
Exercises 1.7 - 1.8
We can improve our previous solutions now that we know how to create and build a Dockerfile.
Let us now get back to Exercise 1.4.
Create a new file
on your local machine with the following contents:
while true
echo "Input website:"
read website; echo "Searching.."
sleep 1; curl http://$website
Create a Dockerfile for a new image that starts from ubuntu:22.04 and add instructions to install curl
into that image. Then add instructions to copy the script file into that image and finally set it to run on container start using CMD.
After you have filled the Dockerfile, build the image with the name "curler".
- If you are getting permission denied, use
to give permission to run the script.
The following should now work:
$ docker run -it curler
Input website:
<title>301 Moved Permanently</title>
<h1>Moved Permanently</h1>
<p>The document has moved <a href="">here</a>.</p>
Remember that RUN can be used to execute commands while building the image!
Submit the Dockerfile.
By default our devopsdockeruh/simple-web-service:alpine
doesn't have a CMD. Instead, it uses ENTRYPOINT to declare which application is run.
We'll talk more about ENTRYPOINT in the next section, but you already know that the last argument in docker run
can be used to give a command or an argument.
As you might've noticed it doesn't start the web service even though the name is "simple-web-service". A suitable argument is needed to start the server!
Try docker run devopsdockeruh/simple-web-service:alpine hello
. The application reads the argument "hello" but will inform that hello isn't accepted.
In this exercise create a Dockerfile and use FROM and CMD to create a brand new image that automatically runs server
The Docker documentation CMD says a bit indirectly that if a image has ENTRYPOINT defined, CMD is used to define it the default arguments.
Tag the new image as "web-server"
Return the Dockerfile and the command you used to run the container.
Running the built "web-server" image should look like this:
$ docker run web-server
[GIN-debug] [WARNING] Creating an Engine instance with the Logger and Recovery middleware already attached.
[GIN-debug] [WARNING] Running in "debug" mode. Switch to "release" mode in production.
- using env: export GIN_MODE=release
- using code: gin.SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode)
[GIN-debug] GET /*path --> server.Start.func1 (3 handlers)
[GIN-debug] Listening and serving HTTP on :8080
We don't have any method of accessing the web service yet. As such confirming that the console output is the same will suffice.
The exercise title may be a useful hint here.