We started by learning what Docker container and image mean. Basically we started from an empty ubuntu with nothing installed into it. It's also possible to start from something else, but for now ubuntu had been enough.
This meant that we had to install almost everything manually, either from the command line or by using a setup file "Dockerfile" to install whatever we needed for the task at hand.
The process of dockerizing the applications meant a bit of configuration on our part, but now that we've done it and built the image anyone can pick up and run the application; no possible dependency or versioning issues.
Understanding the architecture and the technologies used is also part of making correct choices with the setup. This lead us to read the READMEs and documentation of the software involved in the setup, not just Docker. Fortunately in real life it's often us who are developing and creating the Dockerfile.
The starting and stopping of containers is a bit annoying, not to mention running two applications at the same time. If only there was some way, a tool, to make it simpler... to compose.
Remember to mark your exercises into the submission application! Instructions on how and what to submit are on the getting started page.
ECTS Credits
Enrolling after each part is required for the ECTS credits. Now that you have completed part 1 use the following link to enroll in this course:
- DevOps with Docker,
If you wish to end in this part and not do the following parts, follow the instructions at the bottom of getting started page
Enrollment for the course through the Open University is possible until June 16th, 2024.
Credits for the course are only available to those students who have successfully enrolled on the course through the Open University and have completed the course according to the instructions.